When to Hire Personal Protection
The increasing violence and crime happening today provide enough evidence to think about hiring personal protection for you, your family, and property. Often, entrepreneurs think they are exempted from the risk. Yet, it is a smarter option to make security considerations become a necessary part of your daily operations.
Some ways to make you know whether you need personal protection include:
Public exposure
Are you a prominent member of your community and often get featured in news items? Do you often conduct business seminars or speak with various civic organisations? A yes answer to these questions makes you a public person that puts your physical safety at high risk.
Financial status
A successful business will instantly make the public see you as a millionaire. It does not matter whether you have limited cash despite business success. The thing that matters is the general perception of your wealth. This perception is a great motivator for criminals to launch an action against you.
Workplace tensions
Are you a top-ranking officer of a company? Have there been recent lay-offs or do you have an employee involved in domestic violence? Your physical safety is at risk when tensions are happening in the workplace.
Location of your business or workplace
Consider yourself a high-risk if your workplace or business is located right on the street. Better protected businesses and workplaces are those that are surrounded by landscaping or far from the sidewalk.
Security measures at home and in the workplace
Does your home have CCTV systems? Is the property protected by a fence? Do you have security personnel in the workplace? How are difficult clients handled by your staff? What security measures are in place to protect you and your staff from criminals?
Ways to hire Personal Protection
- Talk to other people having the same situation as you. Touching base with executives like you is the best way to find the best personal protection agencies or individuals.
- Make the search anonymous. Don’t personally get in touch with your shortlisted personal protection agencies or individual. Instead, let one of your staff request materials sent to a private address or post office box. Doing this is the best way to make the search anonymous and quiet.
- Set up a meeting. It’s time to set up an interview session when you’ve narrowed down your search to a few individuals or agencies. A candidate that has expert technical skills and a personality that closely matches what you need is the one to go for.
- Experience background. You have every right to question potential personal protection agencies or individuals about their work experience. A candidate that is quick to drop names is a red flag. This is because most security firms are not allowed to disclose the names of their clients unless granted permission.
- Get answers to hypothetical situations. Make a hypothetical situation and ask a potential candidate about his reaction. Was it a generic response? Are you happy with his response to the situation?
Does the article above describe your current situation and status? If it does, then you should not ask why hire personal protection. It’s better to be cautious than to think and feel that you are safe.